Monday, November 11, 2013

Clean out your kid's closets and get paid for it!

Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliated links in which those links are clicked I maybe compensated for.


  1. I keep thinking about doing this with Boo's outgrown clothes and I keep thinking about it with Boo's outgrown clothes. :::sigh::: Maybe I just need to do it?

  2. Love the concept and it's much easier than running to the goodwill or salvation army. Thanks for sharing this with us.

    (stopping by via Blogger Resources & Opps FB group) Your invited to visit my Holiday Giveaways at

  3. This would actually be my dream job... i don't know why, i just love to clean out and organize.

  4. Never heard of them before. I definitely have a lot of clothes I need to get rid of.

    Michelle F.

  5. Just dropped a bunch of stuff off at consignment. I will have to keep them in mind next time!

  6. I have a few items I could get rid of...thanks for the link


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